Molotch and Ponzini on BBC – “Thinking Allowed”

On March 13, 2019 Harvey Molotch and Davide Ponzini took part to the BBC live radio show  “Thinking Allowed” that was dedicated to the topic of Spectacular Cities, based on their new book.

From the program’s webpage:

The world’s tallest building is in Dubai and the 2022 World Cup in soccer will be played in fabulous Qatar facilities. But what role do the sensational cities of the Arabian Peninsula play in urban development across the Earth? Laurie Taylor talks to Harvey Molotch, Professor of Sociology at New York University and to Davide Ponzini , Associate Professor of Urban Planning at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Also, Natalie Koch, Associate Professor of Geography at Syracuse University, asks why autocrats in resource rich nations build spectacular new capital cities.

Podcast available here: