Davide Ponzini Full Professor of Urban Planning and director of the Transnational Architecture and Urbanism research unit
Maria Antonietta Clerici Associate Professor of Geography
Matteo Poli Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture
Paolo Scrivano Associate Professor of History of Architecture
Stefano Di Vita Researcher of Urban Planning
Fabio Manfredini GIS and data analyst expert
Anita De Franco Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Zachary Jones Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Huilei Cao PhD Student
Abdallah Jreij PhD Student
Siyuan Li PhD Student

The many research activities of TAU-Lab required systematic internship of BSc and MSc students of the School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction Engineering of Politecnico di Milano. TAU-Lab welcomes applications from Politecnico di Milano students and from other institutions as well!

Past and current Interns

Hale Alp, Elena Bianchi, Cristina Brambilla, Ines Buetow (University of Oxford), Christan Buurstee, Celeste Calzolari, Pietro Cerri, Marco Chironi, Chiara Cicchianni, Anita De Franco, Marco Di Martino, Eleftheria Exarchou, Stefan Fotev, Aleksandar Georgiev, Soroush Ghiasi, Francesca Ghiselli, Anthony Griffits, Diana Hodulikova (Brno University of Technology), Sahar Hosseini, Soyoung Kim, Anna Kravtsova, Filippo Lafleur, Kellen Magarini, Elad Mattri, Lucas Lorenzo Mattana, Francesca Mavaracchio, Liana Mandradzhieva, Pietro Rovelli, Alexander Tsiatinis, Apollonios Tsiatinis, He Yuan, Maria Wandiba, and others.